Join Llyn Brenig Sailing Club

Join Llyn Brenig Sailing Club

This online membership system is now open for 2016 membership. Members joining online will also get access to the new memberszone.

Please Note that 2015 Logins have now been removed from the system.

New members can also join online. Please ensure that you have familiarised youself with the club's rules, constitution and bylaws.

Please use the buttons to the right to Join Llyn Brenig Sailing Club

Paypal Payment is now available

Note to New members: (See Constitution Section 3 point 12 and 13)

Upon receipt of an application for membership, the Honorary Secretary shall enter such application in a Register of Candidates and there shall be an interval of at least ten days before the meeting of the Committee at which such application for membership shall be considered. Until the application is considered by a meeting of the Committee, the applicant shall be considered to be a Temporary Member of the club. The election of all classes of members is vested in the Committee and shall be a simple majority vote of those on the Committee.

(a) The Committee may refuse applications only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club into disrepute. The Honorary Secretary shall inform each candidate in writing of the candidate's election or non-election. S/he shall furnish an elected candidate with a copy of the Rules and Byelaws of the club and make request for such payments as are necessary.

(b) Appeal against refusal to elect may be made to the members in General Meeting.